Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cheats S30SCI Movie

The Cheats S30SCI Movie was a blog for Games, Movies, TV series, Video games, Videos, News, Entertainments. As of now, the Cheats S30SCI Movie has its first video made about an MMO shooting game, the Gunz: The Duel. Here are a sample video for trip introduction.

Simple intro that I really think for his first time of making a video clip for his games. But this is much better than the other one of, the first video that he provide in its blog publisher Cheats S30SCI Movie. Here is the video:

Do you see it.. this video has a low quality only. It is just recorded by the use of an web cam. But Im sure that the long practice the more better will be. Just keep on going, try and try until its reach its potential.

Please support Cheats S30SCI Movie.


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